Saturday, March 14, 2009

Joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!

People have always told me that who I spend time with affects my attitude, but I never thought that what they were saying would apply to me.  I thought to myself, “Well, I’m a good Christian girl, and I don’t hang out with people that do drugs or anything like that, so that won’t happen to me. It only happens to people who come from a bad background and aren’t saved.” This mindset allowed me to be with people who constantly had a bad attitude. The problem was that I didn’t realize that they changed my attitude.  Because I was spending most of my time with these people, their pessimistic attitude was rubbing off on me.  It ended up like a chain reaction. I had a bad attitude, and the other people I spent time with were becoming pessimistic. After making a really mean remark to a group of people, I woke up to what was happening in my life. I decided from then on that I would change the way I acted and who I spent time with. This led me on a journey to figure out what the Bible says about joy. While searching the Word, I figured out that the Bible says many things on why we need joy, where we can find joy, when we need to be joyful, who can have joy, how we need to seek God while we don’t have joy, and what we do while in this situation. As time progresses, I will be posting "snippets" on each of these categories. 

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